Public Works
Collection Schedule
Bulk Pickup
Water & Sewer
Borough Codebook
Current Garbage & Recycle
Winter Schedule
Garbage and Recycle Collection Schedule
A complete schedule of trash collection for your area of town can be identified by the chart below, this information is also downloadable and available in the borough calendar. Additional schedules can be obtained at the Municipal Building.
All taxpayers should make sure that their tenants have a schedule in each rental and necessary I.D.
Help Keep Lavallette Clean, Please Do Not Litter.
Current Garbage & Recycle
Winter Schedule
Preparation & Regulations
Garbage placed for Municipal collection shall not contain any of the designated recyclable materials, materials resulting from demolition, construction or hazardous waste. Each receptacle or bag should weigh no more than 40lbs. Make sure there are enough receptacles needed to hold the garbage until the next collection day.
Garbage should not be placed at the curb prior to 7:00 p.m. the day before collection. Please take cans in at your earliest convenience. All garbage shall be placed in dark – colored, heavy – gauge plastic bags or metal, plastic or vinyl containers that are designed for such purpose with handles and a tight lid. A container for small bulky items such as lamps, vacuum cleaners, and brush etc. will be available at the recycling Center for disposal free of charge.
Stream Recycling
Borough has adopted a “single stream” policy for the placement of
materials for curbside pickup.
All glass
bottles, aluminum cans, tin cans, all plastic containers (PET and
HDPE-where the neck is smaller than the body), newspapers, mixed
papers, junk mail, shredded papers, cardboard, and magazines can all
be placed in one container for curbside pickup.
Weekend Household Waste Drop Off
Lavallette Recycling Center will now accept regular household waste and small bulk trash. Residents can bring their trash down to the Center from 7:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. This is a great opportunity for those who need the extra pickup because of rentals, parties or any other reason. When visiting our Recycling Center identification and proof of residency may be required for each visit. These include a utility bill, tax bill or driver’s license. Anyone who wishes to obtain a copy of their Municipal Bill as proof of residency can do so at Public Works Office or Borough Hall.
Placing household trash in public litter receptacles is a violation
of Borough Code.
Do not place household garbage in public litter receptacles. You may bring household garbage and recycling to the recycling center. Your cooperation is necessary to keep our community clean and litter free. A schedule of trash collection for your area of town can be found on this page.
As part of the Ocean County Paint Management Program, full, partially full, or empty paint cans are accepted at the Seaside Park Public Works Garage located on Barnegat Avenue, Seaside Park. Please call to register 732-793-5100. Limit is 20 cans per day, Monday through Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Latex and Oil Based Paints Only, No Stains or Wood Preservatives Accepted.
Christmas Tree Collection
Trees will be collected on the first, second and third
Wednesdays in January.
Place items for pickup
curbside by 7am on the date of pickup.
Item Pickup
Residential property owners only
No items
containing Freon (Air Conditioners or Refrigerators)
There is currently no bulk pickup scheduled.
May 5, 2025 Through September 5, 2025
Garbage & Recycling |
Garbage & Recycling |
Wednesday No Scheduled Pickup |
Garbage & Recycling |
Garbage & Recycling |
September 8, 2025 through Spring 2026
Garbage & Recycling |
Garbage & Recycling |
Wednesday No Scheduled Pickup |
Thursday No Scheduled Pickup |
Friday No Scheduled Pickup |
Collection Map
Zone Definition
East of Route 35 South; Dover Avenue to Bryn Mawr Avenue, Including Sterling Avenue.
Zone Definition
West of Route 35 South; Trenton Avenue to Bryn Mawr Avenue, Including Bay Beach Way and West Point Island.