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Forms, Permits and Applications

Forms Listed Alphabetically


Navigation Bullet Application for Employment

Applications must be either mailed to the address below or hand delivered at Borough Hall

Borough of Lavallette
1306 Grand Central Avenue
Lavallette, NJ 08735

No fax, email or digital copies accepted

Employment Application

Related: Employment Page, Lavallette Police Applications visit The Police WebsiteExternal Link

The Borough of Lavallette is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Navigation Bullet Auto Pay

Sign up for our Automatic Payment Plan and have your bills automatically paid from your checking or savings account on the due date of the bill!  Auto Pay forms have the option on them to receive E-Bills.

Click here for more information about Auto Pay

Auto Pay Signup

Auto Pay Termination

Related: E-Bills

Return Form to:
Borough of Lavallette
1306 Grand Central Avenue
Lavallette, NJ 08735

Navigation Bullet Beach Badge Order Form Preseason

Badge Order Form

Form removed from website May 15, 2024

Related: Beach Badges, Beach Patrol

Navigation Bullet Beach Buggy Permit Application

Borough of Lavallette
1306 Grand Central Avenue
Lavallette, NJ 08735

Do Not Operate any type of motor vehicle, motor-driven vehicle, or motor-assisted vehicle on the municipal beach from May 1st through and including September 15th and on Saturday or Sunday from September 16th through and including September 30th.

Buggy Permits are $35.00 cash or check only and good for the Calendar year January 1st - December 31st

Beach Buggy Permit

Access Points Map

Rules for Permits

Related: Buggy Information Page,

Navigation Bullet Beach Information Flyer

Beach Flyer

Beach Information Flyer

Navigation Bullet Bingo and Raffle License

Application for Bingo and Raffle licenses. 2 original Signatures Required for Licenses. For more information see the Clerks page.

Bingo License

Raffle License

Amend License

Report of Operations

Related: Clerks Page

Navigation Bullet Building Department

Construction Permit Application Packet & Related Forms Linked from the state of New Jersey Link

UCC-F100External Link Pdf File - Construction Permit Application
UCC-F110External Link Pdf File - Building Subcode Technical Section
UCC-F120External Link Pdf File - Electrical Subcode Technical Section
UCC-F130External Link Pdf File - Plumbing Subcode Technical Section
UCC-F140External Link Pdf File - Fire Protection Subcode Technical Section
UCC-F145External Link Pdf File - Mechanical Inspectors Technical Section
UCC-F150External Link Pdf File - Elevator Subcode Technical Section
UCC-F155External Link Pdf File - Elevator Subcode Supplement for Multiple Equipment
UCC-F190 Pdf File Permit Update 

Floodplain Review

Substantial Damage

Demolition Checklist

Related: Building Department, Zoning / Code Enforcement

Navigation Bullet Business Registration

Businesses in Lavallette are required to register and submit a floor plan to the clerks office. Floor plans are an essential too for emergency services to be able to provide assistance to you and your business.

Registered Businesses will be the only Businesses listed in the Lavallette Borough Calendar, and listed in the next Lavallette Brochure. Businesses will also be listed on the Registered Businesses Page with address and phone number.

Business Registration

Related: Clerks Page

Navigation Bullet Change of Address

Form required to be kept on file at Borough Hall in the Borough's Deed Files.

Change of Address

Related: Tax Office, Electric Billing, Water Sewer Billing

Navigation Bullet E-Bills without Auto Pay for utilities

Sign up for E-Bills and receive your electric and water / sewer bills via email. The provided bills include more account information then we can currently print on the postcard size bills.

Now available, online submission form for E-Bill signup and termination.

If you do not want to sign up for Auto Pay but would like to sign up for E-Bills, please use the e-bill form provided below.

E-Bill Signup

Cancellation of E-Bills

If you no longer wish to receive E-Bills please notify us with the following form.

E-Bill Termination

Related: Auto Pay, Electric, Water / Sewer

Navigation Bullet Electric Billing Department

Meter Test

If the meter is determined to be inaccurately recording use of the kilowatt hours of usage, the rate or charge shall be adjusted: provided, however, that the maximum adjustment shall be for one year's average rates or charges. If the meter is found to be recording correctly, the user shall pay a test fee of $50.

Meter Test Request


Self Generation

Solar Panels
*Import information regarding Self Generation*
Please read the Borough Ordinance concerning generating energy.
Self Generation Standards Chapter 24 Article III
Full Borough of Lavallette Online Code BookExternal Link

Lavallette Electric Interconnection

Related: Electric Billing Department

Navigation Bullet Event / Facility Use Application and Permit

This application must be completed in full and submitted at least 90 days prior to your event. All questions on this application must be fully answered or it will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed.

Application Fee: $25.00 to be submitted with Special Event Application and Permit, Check payable to the Borough of Lavallette.

Event / Facility Use

Navigation Bullet Financial Documents

For all available online financial documents for the Borough of Lavallette, including budgets, debt statements and financial statements, please visit the finance office page.

Financial Documents

Navigation Bullet Food Truck One Day Special Event Permit

Food Truck One Day Special Event

Related: Ordinance for Food Truck One Day Special Event Permit Pdf File

Navigation Bullet Friends of Beautification Membership Application

Friends of Beautification

Related: Beatification Page

Navigation Bullet Garage Sale, Estate Sale, Tag Sale


Garage Sales - Limited to one per year per household, with the exception of the Town Wide Garage Sale held yearly.

Garage, Estate, Tag Sale permits available at Borough Hall 9am-4pm.

Garage Sale

Related: Town Wide Garage Sale, Clerk

Navigation Bullet Gazebo and Pavilion Use Application


Download Gazebo and Pavilion Use Application Pdf File and mail it with payment to:

Borough Hall
1306 Grand Central Avenue
Lavallette, NJ 08735

Gazebo and Pavilion Use

Related: Check Available Dates, and get More Information About Gazebo Use, Marriage Licenses & Certified Copies

Navigation Bullet Goose Patrol

Lavallette Goose Patrol is available to Lavallette and Barrier Island residents (id required) and the first ten (10) non-residents. Being a member allows you to bring your dog to certain areas including the bay front and chandler field, where you normally are not allowed to bring your dog. Membership forms also available at Borough Hall. For more information about the Goose Patrol visit our Animals Page.

Dogs must have current year licenses to be registered for the Goose Patrol, for information about dog licenses click here.

Goose Patrol Membership

Rules & Regulations

Related: Animals. Municipal Clerk

Navigation Bullet Landlord/Business Owner Registration & Liability Insurance Certificate

This form needs to be filed with the borough along with state mandated proof of adequate liability insurance coverage. A filing fee of $50 is required with registration.

Completed form needs to be filed with the Borough.

Landlord Registration

Navigation Bullet Lavallette Police Department Forms


Employment Application
Alarm Registration
Operation Reassurance
Solicitation Permit
Vendor Application
Register Ready 

Available through the Lavallette Police Website Link

Navigation Bullet Marriage Licenses / Civil Union Application

For marriage license applications and information please see the Municipal Clerk / Registrar page.

Clerk / Registrar

Navigation Bullet Off Duty Officer Request Form

Requests for an off duty Police Officer for traffic control or when required by The Lavallette Police.

Request for Off Duty Officer

Navigation Bullet Open Public Records Act


OPRA Request

Also available at the Clerks Office in The Municipal Building 8am-4pm.

Navigation Bullet Planning Board

Planning Board Application Packet


Procedures and Suggestions


Variance Application Pdf File
Minor Site Plan Pdf File
Major Site Plan Pdf File
Sketch Plat for Major Subdivision Pdf File
Preliminary Plat for Major Subdivision Pdf File
Final Plat for Major Subdivision Pdf File
Minor Subdivision Plat Pdf File

Other Information

Municipal Access Plan Pdf File
Master Plan 2016 Pdf File
Master Plan Re-Examination 2006 Pdf File
Responses to 2004-2005 Planning Board Survey Pdf File  
Master Plan 2000 Pdf File
Strategic Recovery Planning Report Pdf File

Related: Visit Planning Board, Zoning Page, Building Department Page, Lavallette E-codeExternal Link

Navigation Bullet Re-Numbering of Properties Application

Request for the Re-Numbering of Properties within the Borough of Lavallette.

Re-Numbering Application

Navigation Bullet Road Opening Permit

Please attach a detailed drawing/sketch showing the extent of the proposed excavation work including complete plan, profile and details of any proposed curbing, sidewalk, pavement, drainage structure or any other proposed improvement.  All work is to be performed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:21, et seq.

Road Opening

Navigation Bullet Streetscape Plan for Grand Central Avenue

Borough of Lavallette Streetscape Plan for Grand Central Avenue

Streetscape Plan

Navigation Bullet Tax Deductions

Please see all available deductions listed on the Tax Assessor's Page.

Navigation Bullet Town Wide Garage Sale


Related: Town Wide Garage Sale Page

Navigation Bullet Vital Record Requests / Certified Copies / Death Certificates

Certified copies are $10.00 each
Must be paid for before copies can be mailed.
Checks Payable to The Borough of Lavallette
Please provide 24 hours notice.

To obtain a copy of a vital record, you must submit:

Marriage or Partnership Must provide your Date of Marriage / Partnership, and married name.

Death Certificates Name, Place and Date of Death.

A completed application
Proof of your identity with photo
The correct fee of $10 per Copy
Proof of your relationship to the person listed on the vital record you are requesting
(Required for certified copies)

Vital Record Request

Eligibility Requirements

Related: Visit The Clerk / Registrar Page

Navigation Bullet Voter Registration




Related: Visit The Borough Clerk Page,  Please visit The State of New Jersey Division of Elections for applications in additional LanguagesExternal Link

In New Jersey, any voter can now vote by Mail-In Ballot for any election.
You do not need a reason to vote by Mail-In Ballot.
Don't feel like going to the polls? Simply vote by mail. Now there is "no excuse" not to vote!

Absentee Ballots Now Called Mail-in Ballot, & Party Affiliation ChangesExternal Link
(Information through the State of New Jersey Web Site)

Navigation Bullet Zoning Forms


General Zoning Permit

Transfer of Title C/O

Outdoor Food & Beverage

Zoning Complaint

Related: Visit Zoning Page, The Planning Board Page, Building Department Page, Lavallette E-codeExternal Link