catch basins in Lavallette empty directly into the Barnegat Bay.
Your efforts to reduce these types of pollution sources will have a
significant impact on the water quality of the Barnegat Bay.
Available in Pdf
Online Format
Program through Save Barnegat Bay and Clean Ocean Action
Visit the recycling page for
information on recyclable materials.
Please Recycle When Bulbs are finished working
Visit The Electric Page for tips on saving energy.
Association of New
Environmental Commissions
Barnegat Bay Classification Map
Find Other New Jersey Zones Here
Water Sense is the Water equivalent of Energy Star.
EPA Website
Environmental Committee
Environmental Protection Advisory Committee Members |
Anita Zalom, Liaison | David Finter, Liaison |
Mark Speaker - Chairman | Donna Franzoso |
Patricia Hoffman | Mark Fertakos |
Frank Michenfield |
Environmental Committee Meetings
No meetings scheduled. |
Environmental Speaker Sessions No speakers scheduled Speakers will be announced as they are scheduled. |
New Rules For Using Lawn Fertilizers
rules for using lawn fertilizers in New Jersey are in effect for
both professionals and homeowners.
This year a ban starts on
application during winter, when excessive nutrients are more likely
to wash off lawns and get into waterways.
- A March 1 to Nov. 15 season for homeowners who fertilize their own lawns.
- A March 1 to Dec. 1 season for lawn care professionals, who convinced lawmakers they need the extra two weeks to wrap up their fall season.
- Fertilizer must not be applied within 10 feet of a water body or left scattered on pavement.
- Lawn fertilizers must contain at least 20 percent of their nutrients as slow-release nitrogen.
- Phosphorus is being phased out of lawn fertilizer and will be allowed only in cases where a soil test reveals a specific deficiency in that nutrient. Slow-release nitrogen formulas will be phased in over the year.
- Fines for violations can be up to $500 for a first offense or $1,000 for a second offense. The state Department of Environmental Protection can seek an additional civil penalty of $1,000 for egregious violators.
Source:; New Jersey Public Law 2010, Chapter 112
Diagram courtesy of NOAA
Upcoming Events
Nothing Scheduled At This Time
The Giant Clams Of Barnegat Bay
Our clam has found a new home in front of the Lavallette Municipal Building
The Environmental Committee would like to thank the artist who painted and repainted the clam Mary Jo Austin.
ReClam the Bay and the Clam Trail
Lavallette is on the "The Clam Trail"
Lavallette Environmental Committee with the generous support of the Heritage Committee has purchased a Giant Clam.
ReClam The Bay is an organization dedicated to providing education and awareness about the environmental benefit of shellfish filtering, feeding and cleaning our estuary. Our mission is to involve the general public so they will understand that the quality of the water in our estuary, and the quality of the shellfish we eat, are really their responsibility. By involving the public in the care, feeding and life cycle of these fragile creatures we believe that our citizens will better understand how working with the shellfish can help to clean up our environment and keep it clean. Visit them Here and Travel the Clam Trail
The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) is an integral component of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The experiment station provides a diverse range of research, extension, and education programs that serve the people of New Jersey and the urban, suburban, and rural communities in which they live. More Information
Information on Shellfish Harvesting
A valid shellfish license (commercial or
recreational) is required for any shellfish harvesting in New Jersey
shellfish permits
are required for commercial harvesting. For more information on a
shellfish harvesting license and other regulations (such as size
contact the
Jersey Division of Fish, Game & Wildlife, Bureau of Shellfisheries
at (609) 748-2040.
Each year, the Bureau of Marine Water Monitoring collects approximately 10,000 water samples and analyzes these samples at its laboratory facilities in Leeds Point, NJ. In addition, bureau staff regularly perform field surveys of the coastal shoreline to monitor any actual or potential pollution sources. This information is reviewed each year in order to update the classification of the state's coastal waters for shellfish harvest.
Barnegat Bay and Other New Jersey Classification Zones
Island Bay Front Gardens
An environmentally-responsible landscape for the Lavallette Bay Front. “Island Bay Front Gardens” is being created through careful design and planning, which includes soil testing and selection of plant species native to the Barnegat Bay watershed and the coastal region. The objectives of this garden are: reduce non point source pollution by developing and adopting Integrated Pest Management methods and use of organic, slow-release nitrogen fertilizers, eliminate the need for irrigation systems by careful plant and site selection, achieve public participation with all stages of the project, educate the community on the benefits of the gardens features, and provide access to the bay by way of a low impact foot path. Educational signage will also be located in the garden to provide a greater understanding of the garden’s benefits to visitors.
Kill Deer Eggs at the Island Bay Front Gardens
Be careful where you walk
Taken on a Mobile Phone)
The Barnegat Bay Watershed
The Barnegat Bay is a valuable natural resource. It provides habitat for numerous aquatic species. It is also provides many different types of recreational opportunities for those who live in or visit this area.
Non-point source pollution, that is pollution from automobiles, construction, fertilizers and pesticides applications, animal waste, litter, and urban runoff, is estimated to contribute up to 60% of our existing pollution problems.
Low Maintenance Landscaping for the Barnegat Bay Watershed
"Low Maintenance Landscaping for the Barnegat Bay Watershed"
Because You've Got Better Things to do than Maintain your Yard!
It covers topics ranging from pruning & fertilizing and also recommends perennials and grasses suited to our area. Available for free to download at
Click to
Download Full Size Flyer
Pet Waste
Clean and plentiful water is important to our families, our environment, our economy and our quality of life.
Did you know that animal waste from pets can pollute our waters? When left on the ground, pet waste is washed by rain and melting snow and ice into storm drains that carry it to our rivers, lakes, the ocean and drinking water.
Animal waste contains a
high concentration of nutrients as well as bacteria and
disease-causing microorganisms
that can cause problems.
What you can do.
Pet owners or anyone who takes your pet for walks must properly dispose of the waste by picking it up, wrapping it and either placing it in the trash or flushing it unwrapped down the toilet.
Your municipality is required to adopt and enforce local pet-waste laws. At a minimum, your community must require that pet owners or their keepers immediately and properly dispose of their pet’s solid waste deposited on any public or private property not owned or possessed by that person.
People with assistance animals such as Seeing Eye dogs are exempt. Make sure you know what your municipality requires – and follow it. Thank you for doing your part to keep New Jersey’s waters clean.
World Oceans Day
A powerful opportunity to bring local and global attention to the impact climate change is having on the ocean, what that impact will mean for ocean and human life, and how we can all make simple, important changes to reduce our CO2 emissions, halt climate change, and preserve our children's ocean legacy.
Helping make others more aware of the importance of the ocean in our lives, the opportunities each of us has to help through our daily actions, and by joining with people all over the world in celebrating World Oceans Day, we can make a real difference for our one one ocean, one climate, and one future!
World Oceans Day - Protect Our Oceans. More Info
Fishing Information
Recreational Fishing Size Summary Sheet