Ocean County Animal Shelters
Northern OceanExternal Link
Southern OceanExternal Link
Jersey Shore Animal CenterExternal Link


Borough Code Pertaining to Animals




Navigation Bullet Animal Control

Lavallette animal control officer Brendan Brice.

Any requests for Animal Control services should be directed to Lavallette Public Works during business hours, Monday through Friday 7am – 3pm 732-793-7766. During non business hours, or for any emergency, please contact Lavallette Police at 732-793-4800.

Homeowners with chimneys should make sure they have the proper caps in place on their chimney to keep wildlife out.


Navigation Bullet Animal Cruelty Complaints

If you would like to report Animal Crudity,
Please contact the Lavallette Police Department at 732-793-4800. 

If you have any further questions in reference to animal cruelty investigations, you may contact Patrolman Ryan Tulko.


Navigation Bullet Dog and Cat Licenses

Must have a valid Rabies shot valid through October 31st, of the the calendar year, please bring certification with you, Cats and dogs must be re-licensed every year, licenses are good for the calendar year, and can not be issued unless the current rabies vaccination is good through October of the year registering. Please see cashier at Borough Hall for license's.



Navigation Bullet General Animal Rules

Animals must be on a leash at all times. No animals are allowed on the beach or other places of resort at any time.

Animals on a leash can only be taken on the boardwalk at times other than regular bathing season.

Do not dispose of feces in storm drains.
All catch basins in Lavallette empty directly into the Barnegat Bay. Your efforts to reduce these types of pollution sources will have a significant impact on the water quality of the Barnegat Bay.


Navigation Bullet Goose Patrol

Lavallette Goose Patrol is available to Lavallette and Barrier Island residents (id required) and the first ten (10) non-residents. Being a member allows you to bring your dog to certain areas including the bay front and chandler field, where you normally are not allowed to bring your dog. Membership forms are available at Borough Hall and below.

Dogs must have a current year license to be a member of the Lavallette Goose Patrol , for information about dog licenses click here. There is a registration fee of $25.00 per dog.

First ten (10) non-residents must re-register on an annual basis. Non-residents are on a first come first serve basis. Not sold until the new year begins.

No more than 20 dogs at any one given location at any one time in the goose-infested municipal parks, playgrounds, Chandler Field ball field and the open fields bordering Bay Boulevard. If chandler field is in use the Goose Patrol must exit the field.

2025 Non Resident Membership is Full

Goose Patrol Membership

Rules & Regulations

New Jersey League of Municipalities article featuring the Goose Patrol Pdf File

Chandler Field Cam

https://www.youtube.com/@LavalletteChandlerField/LiveExternal Link  


Navigation Bullet Pet Waste

Pet Waste

Clean and plentiful water is important to our families, our environment, our economy and our quality of life.

Did you know that animal waste from pets can pollute our waters? When left on the ground, pet waste is washed by rain and melting snow and ice into storm drains that carry it to our rivers, lakes, the ocean and drinking water.

Animal waste contains a high concentration of nutrients as well as bacteria and disease-causing microorganisms
that can cause problems.

What you can do.

Pet owners or anyone who takes your pet for walks must properly dispose of the waste by picking it up, wrapping it and either placing it in the trash or flushing it unwrapped down the toilet.

Your municipality is required to adopt and enforce local pet-waste laws. At a minimum, your community must require that pet owners or their keepers immediately and properly dispose of their pet’s solid waste deposited on any public or private property not owned or possessed by that person.

People with assistance animals such as Seeing Eye dogs are exempt. Make sure you know what your municipality requires – and follow it. Thank you for doing your part to keep New Jersey’s waters clean.


Navigation Bullet Pet Waste Disposal Stations

Located along the Borough Bay Front are pet waste disposal bag stations to dispose of your animals waste.
This project was started as an Eagle Scout Project.


Navigation Bullet New Jersey Rabies Cases by County and Species

New Jersey animal rabies cases by county and species by year. Multiple years available.  www.nj.gov/health/cd/statistics/rabies-statsExternal Link