Lavallette Accessibility Information


Navigation Bullet Chandler Park Playground Project

Chandler Render

The Borough of Lavallette is working with Morgan Engineering and Ben Shaffer Recreation in applying to the NJ Green Acres Program for Jake’s Law Playground Funding for a new inclusive playground at Chandler Park on 2001 Baltimore Avenue. This unique funding source is in it’s last year of this exceptional program available to NJ municipalities.

More Information


Navigation Bullet Lavallette Accessibility Information

Accessibility information to all public buildings in the borough for the disabled.

Lavallette Accessibility Guide


Navigation Bullet Beach Wheelchairs

imageBeach Wheelchairs are equipped with large, wide wheels which can roll across the sand without sinking. Beach wheelchairs enable anyone to safely enjoy the beach, sand and water.

The beach chairs can be signed out for 2 hour blocks, if no one is waiting to use a chair they can be reserved for an additional 2 hours. Chairs must be returned before the end of beach day to lifeguard headquarters. Available on a first come first serve basis through the Lifeguard Headquarters. 732-793-2566

Off season Beach Wheelchairs are available through Public Works. 732-793-7766


Navigation Bullet Accessible Beach Access

Accessible entrances for people with disabilities are on the 4 wide streets in town. Trenton Avenue, New York Avenue, Philadelphia Avenue and President Avenue.

President Avenue now has a decking to make wheelchair access easier.


Navigation Bullet Bay Access Ramp


Located at the Bayfront and Reese Avenue, This ramp starts at the boardwalk to allow water access to make the water more accessible for those with difficulty walking and moving beach wheels.

Located next to the Reese Avenue Parking Lot. Parking stickers are required in season.


Navigation Bullet Lavallette Community Partners for People with Disabilities

L.C.P.P.D. acts as advisors to the Mayor and Council on disability issues that face the borough. They provide a pamphlet on accessible parking in Lavallette as well as accessibility information to all public buildings in the borough for the disabled.

LCPPD Committee
Elaine Schardien – Chairperson
Betty Santoro
John Peter Schardien
Judy Josephs
Councilwoman Anita Zalom
Mayor Walter LaCicero