
Lavallette Beautification Committee

The Lavallette Beautification Committee was established by Mayor Thomas Walls and the council of Lavallette in January 2004. Pat Marrone and Teresa Coleman were appointed chairpersons. The committee is comprised of a cross section of volunteers representing the Lavallette council, planning board, business association and residents of Lavallette appointed by the council.


Navigation Bullet Purpose

The Lavallette Beautification Committee is an advisory committee working in conjunction with the mayor and council to research and develop plans for updating and beautifying the Borough, while preserving the character and quaintness of our seashore town.


Navigation Bullet Goals

To update the physical appearance of the Grand Central Avenue Streetscape by developing a plan for curbing, pavers, trees, decorative benches, lamp posts, and trash containers that would give our main street a turn of the century appearance recommended in the master plan.

To target areas in the Borough that could be enhanced by planting flowers, grasses or trees. The Lavallette Beautification Committee will consult with Ocean County and State of NJ officials regarding planting projects for county and state roads.


Navigation Bullet Committee Members

Chairpersons: Pat Marrone and Theresa Coleman
Council Liaisons: Anita Zalom and Joanne Fillippone
Planning Board: Lenny Calderaro
LBA: Bruno Hornung
Recording Secretary: Arleen Maglionico
Residents: Julia Henry, Rich Traverso, Anne Schneider, Joyce Hornung, Carol Traverso


Navigation Bullet Accomplishments

  • Streetscape Plan proposal for Grand Central Avenue approved by the Lavallette Mayor and
    Council in 2006. Available at the zoning office or online Pdf File.
  • Developed plan for Memorial Pavers for Centennial Park
  • Tourism Brochure for 2007
  • Design for Welcome Center Sign
  • Grand Central Avenue Bench Project


Navigation Bullet Meetings

Public meetings are held four times a year. January - April - June - October


Navigation Bullet Grand Central Avenue Bench Project

The Beautification Memorial Bench Project is finished. There are no active memorial projects available at this time.


Navigation Bullet Grand Central Avenue Sidewalk Beautification Project

The Borough is in the process of completing our grant application for Phase II of the Grand Central Avenue Sidewalk Beautification Project. Phase I included 3 blocks from Reese to Bond Avenues. Phase II will continue the project to the south.  We are looking for letters of support for the project. Either return your letters to Borough Hall to be included in the grant application package or send the letters to the NJ DOT commissioner direct.


Navigation Bullet Friends of Lavallette Beautification

Click Here for Information

The Friends of Lavallette Beautification Committee was established for the propose of raising funds to purchase commemorative benches, garbage containers, trees and flowers for the Borough of Lavallette in order to update the streetscape equipment and to maintain the natural beauty of the area. More Information.

Navigation Bullet Upcoming Events

Currently nothing scheduled.


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